Прописи для подготовишек: Прописи для дошкольников — скачать и распечатать

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Распечатать прописи для дошкольников — 55 красочных и необычных прописей-обводилок по пунктирным линиям. Настоящее учение-развлечение!

На нашем сайте вы можете скачать бесплатно прописи для дошкольников для занятий со своими детьми. Прописи — важная веха в развитии ребенка и часто первая ступенька его обучения и подготовки к школе. Почему?

Несмотря на все большее смягчение требований к чистописанию в младших классах год от года, прописи остаются одним из самых сложных занятий для ребенка в 1 классе.

Поэтому прописи для дошкольников — один из самых важных этапов подготовки ребенка к школе.

Прописи для дошкольников важны в дошкольном образовании! Они:

  • учат красиво и аккуратно обводить, а в конечном итоге — писать,
  • учат правильно ставить руку при письме,
  • развивают мелкую моторику рук и координацию движений,
  • развивают усидчивость, память и внимательность.

Самые первые занятия по развитию навыков графомоторики с ребенком можно проводить в 2-3 года.

На начальном этапе детям придется помогать и направлять их руку. Потом он сможет справляться с заданиями самостоятельно.

Для детей 3-5 лет подходят прописи-обводилки по точкам и пунктиру, крупные штриховки, к 6 годам можно добавить задания «повтори» узор, обведение элементов букв: палочек и крючков.

Нашем сайте вы сможете распечатать прописи для дошкольников именно «добуквенные»: они подготовят к письму руку ребенка 2-5 лет.

Самые первые прописи

Эти прописи для дошкольников идеально подходят для занятий с малышами от полутора лет.

Простые прописи для дошкольников

Ниже представлены традиционные прописи для дошкольников от 3 лет: обвести линию по точкам или пунктиру.

Прописи «На лугу»


Прописи для дошкольников «Кошка»



Бесплатные прописи-цифры

Вместо послесловия: про дошкольные задания, прописи и графомоторику.

Если ребенок сумеет выполнить все предложенные упражнения, то в школе ваш маленький ученик:

  • не будет писать зеркально буквы и цифры,
  • не будет путать похожие буквы и цифры,
  • будет понимать условия задач и видеть их решение,
  • поймет разряды чисел и их значения,
  • легко постигнет понятия больше-меньше, ближе-дальше,
  • сумеет распределять задания в тетради в зависимости от школьных требований,
  • будет писать чисто, красиво и аккуратно, соблюдая границы полей.

Как видите, маленькие линии дошкольника в первых прописях означают огромный шаг для будущего прилежного ученика.



При копировании и размещении на другом сайте указывайте активную ссылку: https://www.detiam.com/подготовка-к-школе/

При копировании и размещении на другом сайте указывайте активную ссылку: https://www.detiam.com/подготовка-к-школе/

Strictly necessary

Strictly necessary cookies guarantee functions without which this website would not function as intended. As a result these cookies cannot be deactivated. These cookies are used exclusively by this website and are therefore first party cookies. This means that all information stored in the cookies will be returned to this website.

  • Jimdo-cart-v1

    Jimdo-cart-v1 Strictly necessary local storage which stores information on your cart to enable purchases via this online store. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg Germany. Cookie/Local Storage Name: Jimdo-cart-v1. Lifetime: Local storage does not expire. Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

  • shd

    shd Cookie This cookie identifies returning visitors to this website and maintains the user’s state for all page requests. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie name: shd Cookie Lifetime: 1 year Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

  • cookielaw

    Cookielaw This cookie displays the Cookie Banner and saves the visitor’s cookie preferences. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie Name: ckies_cookielaw Cookie Lifetime: 1 year Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/


    PHPSESSIONID Strictly necessary local storage for the correct functioning of this store. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg Germany Cookie /Local Storage Name: PHPSESSIONID Lifetime: 1 session Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

  • stripe

    Stripe This is strictly necessary in order to enable payments powered by Stripe via this store. Provider: Stripe Inc., 185 Berry Street, Suite 550, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. Cookie Names and Lifetimes: __stripe_sid(Lifetime: 30 min), __stripe_mid (Lifetime: 1 year), Ckies_stripe (Lifetime: 1 year). Cookie Policy: https://stripe.com/cookies-policy/legal Privacy Policy: https://stripe.com/privacy

  • postfinance

    Postfinance This is necessary in order to enable payments powered by Postfinance via this store. Provider: PostFinance AG, Kontaktcenter, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern, Switzerland. Cookie Name: ckies_postfinance. Cookie Lifetime: 1 year.Datenschutzerklärung: Cookie Policy: https://www.postfinance.ch/en/detail/privacy.html Privacy Policy: https://www.postfinance.ch/en/detail/privacy.html

  • ckies_*

    Jimdo Control Cookies Control Cookies for enabling services/cookies selected by the site visitor and saving these cookie preferences. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie Names: ckies_*, ckies_postfinance, ckies_stripe, ckies_powr, ckies_google, ckies_cookielaw, ckies_ga, ckies_jimdo_analytics, ckies_fb_analytics, ckies_fr Cookie Lifetime: 1 year Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/


Functional cookies enable this website to provide you with certain functions and to store information already provided (such as registered name or language selection) in order to offer you improved and more personalized functions.

  • powr

    POWr.io Cookies These cookies register anonymous, statistical data on the behavior of the visitor to this website and are responsible for ensuring the functionality of certain widgets utilized by this website. They are only used for internal analysis by the website operator, e.g. for the visitor counter etc. Provider: Powr.io, POWr HQ, 340 Pine Street, San Francisco, California 94104, USA. Cookie Names and Lifetime: yahoy_unique_[unique id] (Lifetime: session), POWR_PRODUCTION (Lifetime: session), ahoy_visitor (Lifetime: 2 years), ahoy_visit (Lifetime: 1 day), src 30 Days Security, _gid Persistent (Lifetime: 1 day). Cookie Policy: https://www.powr.io/privacy Privacy Policy: https://www.powr.io/privacy


Performance cookies gather information on how a web page is used. We use them to better understand how our web pages are used in order to improve their appeal, content and functionality.

  • ga

    Google Analytics These cookies collect anonymous information for analysis purposes, as to how visitors use and interact with this website. Provider: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA or, if you are resident in the EU, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Cookie names and Lifetimes: __utma (Lifetime: 2 years), __utmb (Lifetime: 30 minutes), __utmc (Lifetime: session), __utmz (Lifetime: 6 months), __utmt_b (Lifetime: 1 day), __utm[unique ID] (Lifetime: 2 years), __ga (Lifetime: 2 years), __gat (Lifetime: 1 min), __gid (Lifetime: 24 hours), __ga_disable_* (Lifetime: 100 years). Cookie Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy

  • jimdo_analytics

    Jimdo Statistics The so-called Jimdo statistics function is a tracking technology, based on Google Analytics, which is operated by Jimdo GmbH. These cookies collect anonymous information for analysis purposes, as to how visitors use and interact with this website. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie Names and Lifetimes: ckies_jimdo_analytics (Lifetime: 2 years), __utma (Lifetime: 2 years), __utmb (Lifetime: 30 minutes), __utmc (Lifetime: session), __utmz (Lifetime: 6 months), __utmt_b (Lifetime: 1 day), __utm[unique ID] (Lifetime: 2 years), __ga (Lifetime: 2 years), __gat (Lifetime: 1 min), __gid (Lifetime: 24 hours), __ga_disable_* (Lifetime: 100 years). Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

Marketing / Third Party

Marketing / Third Party Cookies originate from external advertising companies (among others) and are used to gather information about the websites visited by you, in order to e.g. create targeted advertising for you.

  • fb_analytics

    Facebook Analytics This is a tracking technology which utilizes the so-called, «Facebook pixel» from the social network Facebook and is used for website analysis, ad targeting, ad measurement and Facebook Custom audiences. Provider: Facebook Inc, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or, if you are resident in the EU, Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. Cookie name(s): _fbp, fr Cookie Lifetime: 90 days Cookie Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php

Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience. Please let us know if you agree by clicking on the “Accept” option below. If you’d like to find out more about the cookies we use and set your individual cookie preferences, please review our Cookie Policy.

  • Strictly necessary
  • Functional
  • Performance
  • Marketing / Third Party

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ПРОПИСИ — Детский сайт ПЧЁЛКА.

ПРОПИСИ — Детский сайт ПЧЁЛКА.

При копировании и размещении на другом сайте указывайте активную ссылку: https://www.detiam.com/подготовка-к-школе/

При копировании и размещении на другом сайте указывайте активную ссылку: https://www.detiam.com/подготовка-к-школе/

Strictly necessary

Strictly necessary cookies guarantee functions without which this website would not function as intended. As a result these cookies cannot be deactivated. These cookies are used exclusively by this website and are therefore first party cookies. This means that all information stored in the cookies will be returned to this website.

  • Jimdo-cart-v1

    Jimdo-cart-v1 Strictly necessary local storage which stores information on your cart to enable purchases via this online store. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg Germany. Cookie/Local Storage Name: Jimdo-cart-v1. Lifetime: Local storage does not expire. Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

  • shd

    shd Cookie This cookie identifies returning visitors to this website and maintains the user’s state for all page requests. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie name: shd Cookie Lifetime: 1 year Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

  • cookielaw

    Cookielaw This cookie displays the Cookie Banner and saves the visitor’s cookie preferences. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie Name: ckies_cookielaw Cookie Lifetime: 1 year Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/


    PHPSESSIONID Strictly necessary local storage for the correct functioning of this store. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg Germany Cookie /Local Storage Name: PHPSESSIONID Lifetime: 1 session Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

  • stripe

    Stripe This is strictly necessary in order to enable payments powered by Stripe via this store. Provider: Stripe Inc., 185 Berry Street, Suite 550, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. Cookie Names and Lifetimes: __stripe_sid(Lifetime: 30 min), __stripe_mid (Lifetime: 1 year), Ckies_stripe (Lifetime: 1 year). Cookie Policy: https://stripe.com/cookies-policy/legal Privacy Policy: https://stripe.com/privacy

  • postfinance

    Postfinance This is necessary in order to enable payments powered by Postfinance via this store. Provider: PostFinance AG, Kontaktcenter, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern, Switzerland. Cookie Name: ckies_postfinance. Cookie Lifetime: 1 year.Datenschutzerklärung: Cookie Policy: https://www.postfinance.ch/en/detail/privacy.html Privacy Policy: https://www.postfinance.ch/en/detail/privacy.html

  • ckies_*

    Jimdo Control Cookies Control Cookies for enabling services/cookies selected by the site visitor and saving these cookie preferences. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie Names: ckies_*, ckies_postfinance, ckies_stripe, ckies_powr, ckies_google, ckies_cookielaw, ckies_ga, ckies_jimdo_analytics, ckies_fb_analytics, ckies_fr Cookie Lifetime: 1 year Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/


Functional cookies enable this website to provide you with certain functions and to store information already provided (such as registered name or language selection) in order to offer you improved and more personalized functions.

  • powr

    POWr.io Cookies These cookies register anonymous, statistical data on the behavior of the visitor to this website and are responsible for ensuring the functionality of certain widgets utilized by this website. They are only used for internal analysis by the website operator, e.g. for the visitor counter etc. Provider: Powr.io, POWr HQ, 340 Pine Street, San Francisco, California 94104, USA. Cookie Names and Lifetime: yahoy_unique_[unique id] (Lifetime: session), POWR_PRODUCTION (Lifetime: session), ahoy_visitor (Lifetime: 2 years), ahoy_visit (Lifetime: 1 day), src 30 Days Security, _gid Persistent (Lifetime: 1 day). Cookie Policy: https://www.powr.io/privacy Privacy Policy: https://www.powr.io/privacy


Performance cookies gather information on how a web page is used. We use them to better understand how our web pages are used in order to improve their appeal, content and functionality.

  • ga

    Google Analytics These cookies collect anonymous information for analysis purposes, as to how visitors use and interact with this website. Provider: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA or, if you are resident in the EU, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Cookie names and Lifetimes: __utma (Lifetime: 2 years), __utmb (Lifetime: 30 minutes), __utmc (Lifetime: session), __utmz (Lifetime: 6 months), __utmt_b (Lifetime: 1 day), __utm[unique ID] (Lifetime: 2 years), __ga (Lifetime: 2 years), __gat (Lifetime: 1 min), __gid (Lifetime: 24 hours), __ga_disable_* (Lifetime: 100 years). Cookie Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy

  • jimdo_analytics

    Jimdo Statistics The so-called Jimdo statistics function is a tracking technology, based on Google Analytics, which is operated by Jimdo GmbH. These cookies collect anonymous information for analysis purposes, as to how visitors use and interact with this website. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie Names and Lifetimes: ckies_jimdo_analytics (Lifetime: 2 years), __utma (Lifetime: 2 years), __utmb (Lifetime: 30 minutes), __utmc (Lifetime: session), __utmz (Lifetime: 6 months), __utmt_b (Lifetime: 1 day), __utm[unique ID] (Lifetime: 2 years), __ga (Lifetime: 2 years), __gat (Lifetime: 1 min), __gid (Lifetime: 24 hours), __ga_disable_* (Lifetime: 100 years). Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

Marketing / Third Party

Marketing / Third Party Cookies originate from external advertising companies (among others) and are used to gather information about the websites visited by you, in order to e.g. create targeted advertising for you.

  • fb_analytics

    Facebook Analytics This is a tracking technology which utilizes the so-called, «Facebook pixel» from the social network Facebook and is used for website analysis, ad targeting, ad measurement and Facebook Custom audiences. Provider: Facebook Inc, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or, if you are resident in the EU, Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. Cookie name(s): _fbp, fr Cookie Lifetime: 90 days Cookie Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php

Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience. Please let us know if you agree by clicking on the “Accept” option below. If you’d like to find out more about the cookies we use and set your individual cookie preferences, please review our Cookie Policy.

  • Strictly necessary
  • Functional
  • Performance
  • Marketing / Third Party

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При копировании и размещении на другом сайте указывайте активную ссылку: https://www.detiam.com/подготовка-к-школе/

При копировании и размещении на другом сайте указывайте активную ссылку: https://www.detiam.com/подготовка-к-школе/

Strictly necessary

Strictly necessary cookies guarantee functions without which this website would not function as intended. As a result these cookies cannot be deactivated. These cookies are used exclusively by this website and are therefore first party cookies. This means that all information stored in the cookies will be returned to this website.

  • Jimdo-cart-v1

    Jimdo-cart-v1 Strictly necessary local storage which stores information on your cart to enable purchases via this online store. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg Germany. Cookie/Local Storage Name: Jimdo-cart-v1. Lifetime: Local storage does not expire. Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

  • shd

    shd Cookie This cookie identifies returning visitors to this website and maintains the user’s state for all page requests. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie name: shd Cookie Lifetime: 1 year Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

  • cookielaw

    Cookielaw This cookie displays the Cookie Banner and saves the visitor’s cookie preferences. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie Name: ckies_cookielaw Cookie Lifetime: 1 year Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/


    PHPSESSIONID Strictly necessary local storage for the correct functioning of this store. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg Germany Cookie /Local Storage Name: PHPSESSIONID Lifetime: 1 session Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

  • stripe

    Stripe This is strictly necessary in order to enable payments powered by Stripe via this store. Provider: Stripe Inc., 185 Berry Street, Suite 550, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. Cookie Names and Lifetimes: __stripe_sid(Lifetime: 30 min), __stripe_mid (Lifetime: 1 year), Ckies_stripe (Lifetime: 1 year). Cookie Policy: https://stripe.com/cookies-policy/legal Privacy Policy: https://stripe.com/privacy

  • postfinance

    Postfinance This is necessary in order to enable payments powered by Postfinance via this store. Provider: PostFinance AG, Kontaktcenter, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern, Switzerland. Cookie Name: ckies_postfinance. Cookie Lifetime: 1 year.Datenschutzerklärung: Cookie Policy: https://www.postfinance.ch/en/detail/privacy.html Privacy Policy: https://www.postfinance.ch/en/detail/privacy.html

  • ckies_*

    Jimdo Control Cookies Control Cookies for enabling services/cookies selected by the site visitor and saving these cookie preferences. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie Names: ckies_*, ckies_postfinance, ckies_stripe, ckies_powr, ckies_google, ckies_cookielaw, ckies_ga, ckies_jimdo_analytics, ckies_fb_analytics, ckies_fr Cookie Lifetime: 1 year Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/


Functional cookies enable this website to provide you with certain functions and to store information already provided (such as registered name or language selection) in order to offer you improved and more personalized functions.

  • powr

    POWr.io Cookies These cookies register anonymous, statistical data on the behavior of the visitor to this website and are responsible for ensuring the functionality of certain widgets utilized by this website. They are only used for internal analysis by the website operator, e.g. for the visitor counter etc. Provider: Powr.io, POWr HQ, 340 Pine Street, San Francisco, California 94104, USA. Cookie Names and Lifetime: yahoy_unique_[unique id] (Lifetime: session), POWR_PRODUCTION (Lifetime: session), ahoy_visitor (Lifetime: 2 years), ahoy_visit (Lifetime: 1 day), src 30 Days Security, _gid Persistent (Lifetime: 1 day). Cookie Policy: https://www.powr.io/privacy Privacy Policy: https://www.powr.io/privacy


Performance cookies gather information on how a web page is used. We use them to better understand how our web pages are used in order to improve their appeal, content and functionality.

  • ga

    Google Analytics These cookies collect anonymous information for analysis purposes, as to how visitors use and interact with this website. Provider: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA or, if you are resident in the EU, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Cookie names and Lifetimes: __utma (Lifetime: 2 years), __utmb (Lifetime: 30 minutes), __utmc (Lifetime: session), __utmz (Lifetime: 6 months), __utmt_b (Lifetime: 1 day), __utm[unique ID] (Lifetime: 2 years), __ga (Lifetime: 2 years), __gat (Lifetime: 1 min), __gid (Lifetime: 24 hours), __ga_disable_* (Lifetime: 100 years). Cookie Policy: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy

  • jimdo_analytics

    Jimdo Statistics The so-called Jimdo statistics function is a tracking technology, based on Google Analytics, which is operated by Jimdo GmbH. These cookies collect anonymous information for analysis purposes, as to how visitors use and interact with this website. Provider: Jimdo GmbH, Stresemannstrasse 375, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. Cookie Names and Lifetimes: ckies_jimdo_analytics (Lifetime: 2 years), __utma (Lifetime: 2 years), __utmb (Lifetime: 30 minutes), __utmc (Lifetime: session), __utmz (Lifetime: 6 months), __utmt_b (Lifetime: 1 day), __utm[unique ID] (Lifetime: 2 years), __ga (Lifetime: 2 years), __gat (Lifetime: 1 min), __gid (Lifetime: 24 hours), __ga_disable_* (Lifetime: 100 years). Cookie Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/cookies/policy/ Privacy Policy: https://www.jimdo.com/info/privacy/

Marketing / Third Party

Marketing / Third Party Cookies originate from external advertising companies (among others) and are used to gather information about the websites visited by you, in order to e.g. create targeted advertising for you.

  • fb_analytics

    Facebook Analytics This is a tracking technology which utilizes the so-called, «Facebook pixel» from the social network Facebook and is used for website analysis, ad targeting, ad measurement and Facebook Custom audiences. Provider: Facebook Inc, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or, if you are resident in the EU, Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. Cookie name(s): _fbp, fr Cookie Lifetime: 90 days Cookie Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php

Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience. Please let us know if you agree by clicking on the “Accept” option below. If you’d like to find out more about the cookies we use and set your individual cookie preferences, please review our Cookie Policy.

  • Strictly necessary
  • Functional
  • Performance
  • Marketing / Third Party

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90000 Tips, Tricks & Recipes! — 90001 90002 90003 We can plan to win or plan to fail! 90004 90005 90003 Here is a summary of the information I shared in my meal prep 101 video YouTube so you can stay on track to achieve your goals. 90004 90003 90004 90010 PART 1 90011 90012 What is meal prep? 90013 90014 90015 Preparing some or all of your meals in advance. 90016 90015 Why is meal prep important? 90014 90015 Preparation is key on your journey! One common mistake is not having healthier alternatives readily available.When we do not have food prepared or healthy snack options, we tend to reach for items that may not support fitness goals. 90016 90021 90016 90015 If you’re a bodybuilder, fitness model or athlete, you may want to consider meal prepping since your «body is business» and understanding what you’re putting in to it is pretty important. 90016 90015 Beginners should start with 2 meals and 1 snack and they should include their «trigger meals» — these are the meals in which you are most susceptible to eat something unhealthy.Being prepared can lessen the likelihood ofyou deviating from your plan. 90016 90015 Advanced users can prep all of their meals at once and remember to give yourself variety! 90016 90021 90003 90004 90010 PART 2 90011 90012 Tips on Food Storage & Reheating Meals 90013 90014 90015 When prepping for the week, the maximum that I recommend preparing in advance is 5 days worth of food. Keep up to 3 days worth of meals in the refrigerator and freeze the rest of the meals. 90016 90015 The temperatures of your refrigerator and freezer, as well as the types of containers you use, are vital in preserving freshness of your meals.90014 90015 Your refrigerator temperature should be 40F or below and your freezer should be at least 0F or below. 90016 90015 If you are preparing several hot meals, you should allow the meals to cool down (nearly to room temperature) and then store them in the refrigerator or freezer within 1-2 hours of preparing. 90016 90015 Glass containers are great to have in the fridge because you can see the contents and they generally can be used in most microwaves. If you use a plastic container, just make sure it is BPA free.90016 90015 If you are going to freeze your meals, make sure the containers are airtight! If not, the food may be susceptible to freezer burn and taste like ice by the time you reheat and eat the meal. 90016 90015 Here is a helpful link with suggested food storage times from FoodSafety.gov — http://www.foodsafety.gov/keep/charts/storagetimes.html 90016 90021 90016 90015 When defrosting your meals, I always recommend defrosting in the fridge the night before you are going it eat the meal.It takes longer, but really, it has the less risk associated with it. Be careful if you’re planning to use the microwave to defrost your meals. Often times the microwave will heat food up pretty quickly and if there was any bacteria on / in the food, it can start to multiply or spread. Plus, some parts of the meal will be frozen while others remain warm hot so part of your meal can be overcooked. 90016 90021 90012 Microwave Safety 90013 90014 90015 While there are concerns about both the health risks associated with high-level exposure to microwaves, less is known about the low-level exposure.The FDA reports that scientific questions still remain as to the effects of low-level exposure to microwaves but generally people should practice common sense. 90016 90015 Other options to reheat your food include: convection ovens, stovetops, crockpots, rice cookers and ovens. 90016 90015 But, sometimes the microwave is all you have! Here are some tips: 90014 90015 Use glass containers whenever possible. 90016 90015 Use BPA free plastic. Often times the food can get so hot that it melts the plastic material.Substances and chemicals used in the manufacturing of the plastic can leak into your food and cause serious health concerns. 90016 90021 90016 90021 90010 PART 3 90011 90012 2 Tips for Prepping Smoothies 90013 90014 90015 Place the contents for each smoothie in a sealable bag or airtight container. Prep no more than 4 days worth. Place the ingredients in a bag and then dump the contents into your blender each morning and blend. 90016 90015 Make smoothie «ice cubes.» Blend leftover veggies and fruit and pour the contents into ice cube molds.You can add these to other smoothies at a later date instead of using ice. 90016 90021 90003 90083 90004 90003 90086 Multi-task in the kitchen 90087 90004 90014 90015 Cook multiple things at once! You can actually bake a protein like chicken or fish AND roast your veggies at the same time. 90016 90015 Use starchy and hearty veggies that you can roast in the oven for about 30 minutes. That way you can easily decrease the amount of time in the kitchen. 90016 90015 Heres a quick recipe for roasted veggies you can cook alongside your protein: 90095 90015 Set oven to about 420F.90016 90015 Chop up your veggies. I used sweet potato, purple fingerling potatoes, red potatoes, carrots and broccoli. 90016 90015 Mix together 2 -3 tbsp safflower oil (or olive oil), 2 sprigs rosemary, 1 .5 tsp garlic powder, fresh lemon juice and 1 tsp oregano. 90016 90015 Pour the oil mixture over the chopped vegetables and mix together. 90016 90015 Place the veggies on a baking sheet and then add sea salt and pepper. 90016 90015 Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. 90016 90108 90016 90021 90003 90112 90113 Recipe 90113 90004 90003 90086 How to make sure you use ALL of your quinoa 90087 90004 90003 Find EASY ways to make quinoa more delicious.You can do that by adding in a few ingredients. Here are 2 quick delicious hacks to quinoa — one salty and one sweet. 90004 90014 90015 Breakfast quinoa. It’s packed with healthy fats, natural sugars and complex carbs. 90014 90015 Mix cooked quinoa, with add naturally dried berries, nuts like walnuts, seeds like pumpkin or pepitas and 1 tbsp cinnamon. Mix this together very well. 90016 90015 Each morning scoop out about a cup, heat in the microwave for no more than 1 minute. 90016 90015 Pour about ½ cup almond (or coconut) milk over it.And I guarantee this WILL be your new favorite breakfast. Bet. 90016 90021 90016 90021 90003 90135 90113 Recipe 90113 90004 90003 90004 90014 90015 Mediterranean-inspired quinoa. Delicious with an often overlooked healthy fat — the olive. 90014 90015 To cooked quinoa add chopped cucumber, pitted Kalamata olives, tomatoes, feta, fresh lemon juice, cumin, sea salt, pepper and cilantro. Mix together. 90016 90021 90016 90021 90003 90150 90004 90003 With these 2 recipes you will never have leftover quinoa again! 90004 90012 How to Step Up Your Chicken Game 90013 90014 90015 Chicken is likely the most common form of protein for most meat-eaters in their healthy eating journey.90016 90015 Check out my #StruggleChicken video on YouTube that gives you one of the ways I cook chicken breast so that it does not taste like death. 90016 90021 90003 90163 90164 90004 90012 3 Quick Tips 90013 90095 90015 Make multiple seasoned portions of chicken breasts to add variety to your diet. 90014 90015 Cover a baking pan with aluminum foil. 90016 90015 Make 3 columns in the pan. Take a sheet of aluminum foil and fold it over to create a divider. Then, place the divider inside the pan and mash down so that it is set in place.Repeat the process to make another divider. 90016 90015 Add your chopped raw chicken breast pieces. Season each column or section differently. 90016 90015 Bake in the oven. 90016 90021 90016 90108 90003 90183 90113 Recipe 90004 90186 90015 Make kabobs to practice portion control or to make sure your meals are meeting your macronutrient requirement. 90014 90015 Chop up the chicken breasts. 90016 90015 Use your measuring scale to accurately measure out 6oz of raw chicken. 90016 90015 Once you get the exact number of pieces, season them and add them to a kabob.90016 90015 Use veggies like bell pepper, mushrooms and onions as dividers. 90016 90021 90016 90108 90003 90201 90113 Recipe 90004 90204 90015 Wrap chicken around veggies to kill 2 birds with 1 stone — protein and veggies all in one! 90014 90015 Take a 3-4 oz piece of chicken breast and season it. 90016 90015 Add a vegetable like asparagus, bell pepper slices or carrots to the center of the chicken breast. 90016 90015 Wrap the chicken around the vegetables. 90016 90015 Place it on a baking sheet with the flap facing down so that it bakes closed.90016 90021 90016 90108 90003 90219 90113 Recipe 90113 90004 .90000 Life science reagent and buffer recipes 90001 90002 Reagent and Buffer Recipes 90003 90004 90005 90006 90003 # 90004 90009 90003 3M K 5M Ac 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of 3M K 5M Ac. 90009 90003 4F1G 90004 — Recipe for 4% formaldehyde and 1% gluteraldehyde. 90005 90016 90003 A 90009 Abiotrophia media 90004 — Recipe for medium appropriate for growth of Abiotrophia genus 90009 90003 ACD 90004 — Blood anticoagulant Recipe. 90009 90024 Acetamide Medium 90025 — Recipe for Acetamide Medium.90009 90024 Acetobacter Medium 90025 — Recipe for medium appropriate for the growth of Acetobacter genus. 90009 90003 Acetic Lacmoid 90004 — Acetic lacmoid stain Recipe. 90009 90003 Acetic Orcein 90004 — Acetic orcein stain Recipe. 90009 90003 Aceto-Carmine 90004 — Solution used for chromosome staining. 90009 90003 Acid Alcohol Decolorizer 90004 — reagent used in acid fast staining. 90009 90024 Acid Cleaning Solution 90025 — Recipe for acid cleaning solution. 90009 90003 Acridine Orange 90004 — a nucleic acid selective metachromatic stain useful for cell cycle determination.90009 90003 Acyrlamide (30%) 90004 — Used for acrylamide gels (obviously) 90009 90003 Acrylamide (40%) 90004 — Used for acrylamide gels (obviously) 90009 90024 Actinoplanes Medium 90025 — Media used to grow certain Actinoplanes species 90009 90024 Agrobacterium Agar Recipe 90025 — Agar appropriate for growth of Agrobacterium genus 90009 90003 Albert stains 90004 — reagents used to demonstrate volutin granules and cytoplasm in diphtheria organisms. 90009 90024 Alcoholic Bouin’s Fixative 90025 — For the fixation of kidney biopsies.90009 90024 Alicyclobacillus Agar 90025 — Recipe for Alicyclobacillus Agar. 90009 90024 Alicyclobacillus Medium 90025 — Recipe for Alicyclobacillus Medium. 90009 90003 Alkaline Lysis Buffer 2 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of alkaline lysis buffer 2. Used for plasmid prep. 90009 90003 Alkaline Lysis Buffer 3 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of alkaline lysis buffer 3. Used for plasmid prep. 90009 90003 Alkaline Lysis Buffer A 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of alkaline lysis buffer A (alkaline lysis buffer 1 after the addition of lysozyme).Used for plasmid prep. 90009 90024 Allantoin mineral agar 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of Allantoin minimal agar. 90009 90024 Allantoin mineral medium 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of allantoin minimal medium. 90009 90003 Amido Black 90004 — Recipe for making amido black. Amido black is an amino acid dye used to detect blood. It stains the proteins in blood a blue-black color. 90009 90024 Ashbya Full Medium 90025 — Recipe for the production of Ashbya full medium. 90009 90024 Azotobacter Agar 90025 — Agar appropriate for growth of Azobacter genus.90005 90016 90003 B 90004 90009 90024 B5 Fixative 90025 — Fixative useful for bone marrow biopsies and lymph nodes when lymphomas are suspected. 90009 90024 Bacillus agar 90025 — Agar used to grow some Bacillus species. 90009 90024 Bacillus broth 90025 — Agar used to grow some Bacillus species. 90009 90003 Bang’s Reagent 90004 — Used for determination of glucose. 90009 90024 90113 Bacillus schlegelii 90114 Medium 90025 — Medium appropriate for the growth of 90113 Bacillus schlegelii 90114.90009 90003 Barfoed’s Solution 90004 — Used for the detection of monosaccharides in solution. 90009 90003 Benedict’s solution 90004 — Used for glucose estimation. 90009 90024 Bennett’s Medium 90025 — media used for growth of some Actinoplanes species. 90009 90003 Best’s Carmine 90004 — Bests Carmine stain Recipe used for selectively staining glycogen. 90009 90024 Bifidobacterium Medium 90025 — Recipe for Bifidobacterium medium. 90009 90003 Blue green algae agar 90004 — Recipe for blue green algae agar.90009 90003 Blue green algae broth 90004 — Recipe for blue green algae broth. 90009 90024 Bouin’s Fixative 90025 — Used as a mordant for staining procedures 90009 90003 Bradford’s Reagent 90004 — Protein assay dye. 90009 90024 Brain Heart Infusion Glucose Agar 90025 — Recipe for Brain Heart Infusion Glucose Agar. 90009 90003 Bromthymol Blue 90004 — Reagent used as an acidic indicator or as a measure of photosynthetic or respiratory activity. 90005 90016 90003 C 90004 90009 90024 Caulobacter Agar 90025 — Recipe for Caulobacter Agar.90009 90024 Caulobacter Medium 90025 — Recipe for Caulobacter Medium. 90009 90003 Carmalum stain 90004 — used for cell nuclei. 90009 90024 Cantharellus Agar Recipe 90025 — Recipe for Cantharellus agar. 90009 90003 CASO agar 90004 — Recipe for CASO agar. 90009 90003 Cell Staining Buffer 90004 — Cell staining buffer Recipe for use in staining cells prior to FACS analysis. 90009 90113 90024 Clostridium thermocellum 90025 90114 90024 Medium 90025 — Recipe for medium appropriate for growth of 90113 Clostridium thermocellum 90114.90009 90003 Coomassie Blue 90004 — Used for staining protein gels. 90009 90186 90003 Corynebacterium 90004 90189 90003 agar 90004 — Recipe for 90186 Corynebacterium 90189 agar. 90009 90024 Creatinine Medium 90025 — Recipe for the production of creatinine medium. 90009 90024 Czapek Agar (CZA) 90025 — Recipe for Czapek Agar (CZA). 90005 90016 90003 D 90004 90009 90003 Denhardt solution (50x) 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of Denhardt solution 50x. 90009 90003 Denhardt solution (100x) 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of Denhardt solution 100x.90009 90003 DEPC treated water 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) treated water. 90009 90003 Destain Solution 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of destaining solution. 90009 90024 Desulfovibrio medium 90025 — Recipe for Desulfovibrio Medium. 90009 90003 DNA Loading Buffer (Orange G) 90004 — Better than Xylene cyanol for very low molecular weight DNA as it usually runs around the 20-30bp range on 1% agarose. 90009 90003 DNA Loading Buffer (XC / BB) 90004 — 10X Xilene Cyanol / Bromophenol Blue DNA loading buffer.Better for DNA of larger molecular weight. 90005 90016 90003 E 90004 90009 90003 ELISA blocking solution 90004 — Solution suitable for blocking for most ELISA assays. 90009 90003 ELISA coating buffer 90004 — Solution suitable for most ELISA coating steps. 90009 90003 EMB Media 90004 — Used for Detecting Sugar Fermentation 90009 90003 Ehrlich’s Solution 90004 — Indol test reagent. 90005 90016 90003 F 90004 90009 90003 Field’s Stain 90004 — a rapid stain used commonly on thin films for malarial parasites.90009 90003 Fixation solution 90004 — Fixation solution for tissues. 90009 90003 Flagella Stain 90004 — allows for the direct observation of flagella. 90009 90003 Formaldehyde Gel Running Buffer 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of formaldehyde gel running buffer. 90009 90003 Fruit Fly media 90004 — General purpose media for fruit flies. 90005 90016 90003 G 90004 90009 90003 Gastric Juice Recipe 90004 — This solution is helpful when trying to determine the half-life of a drug product in gastric juice.90009 90003 Gentian Violet Stain 90004 — Reagent used in the gram-stain procedure. 90009 90003 Giemsa stain 90004 — used on blood and bone marrow. 90009 90003 90186 Gluconobacter 90189 agar 90004 — Recipe for 90186 Gluconobacter 90189 agar. 90009 90024 Glucose Peptone Yeast Extract Agar (GPYA) 90025 — Recipe for Glucose Peptone Yeast Extract Agar (GPYA). 90009 90024 Glucose Yeast Extract Agar 90025 — Recipe for Glucose Yeast Extract Agar. 90009 90003 GTGB (20X) 90004 — Glycerol tolerant gel buffer (20X) 90005 90016 90003 H 90004 90009 90024 Halobacterium aga 90025 90024 r 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of Halobacterium agar.90009 90024 Halobacteria Medium 90025 — Recipe for Halobacteria Medium. 90009 90003 Hank’s Buffered Salt Solution (HBSS) 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of Hank’s Buffered Salt Solution (HBSS). 90009 90003 Hellings (10x) 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of 10X Hellings. 90009 90024 Hollande’s Fixative 90025 — Primary fixative for gastrointestinal and prostate tissues 90009 90003 Homogenization Buffer 90004 — Recipe for Tissue Homogenization Buffer for ELISA. 90005 90016 90003 K 90004 90009 90003 Kovacs ‘Reagent 90004 — Indol test reagent.90005 90016 90003 L 90004 90009 90003 LB Agar 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of LB agar bacterial media. 90009 90003 LB broth 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of LB broth bacterial media. 90009 90003 LB broth (low salt) 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of low salt LB broth bacterial media. 90009 90024 Luminous Medium 90025 — Recipe for Luminous Medium. 90009 90005 90016 90003 M 90004 90009 90003 M17 media 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of M17 media. 90009 90003 M9 minimal media 90004 — Minimal salts bacterial media.90009 90003 Malachite Green 90004 — Malachite green is a relatively weakly binding dye for staining bacterial spores. A decolorizer is not necessary for this dye. 90009 90003 Mallory’s Triple Stain 90004 — A reagent especially suitable for studying connective tissue. 90009 90003 Mannitol agar 90004 — Recipe for mannitol agar. 90009 90003 Mannitol broth 90004 — Recipe for mannitol broth. 90009 90003 Marine agar 90004 — Recipe for marine agar. Used for the growth of several marine bacteria.90009 90003 Marine broth 90004 — Recipe for marine broth. Used for the growth of several marine bacteria. 90009 90003 Masson’s stain 90004 — a trichrome stain for connective tissue. 90009 90003 Melzer’s Reagent 90004 — a stain used to study the cellular structure of fungi. 90009 90003 Methyl Green 90004 — a commonly used counterstain that stains cell nuclei light green. 90009 90003 Methyl Orange 90004 — a commonly used indicator dye that changes color in acidic conditions from red (at pH 3.1) to orange-yellow (At pH 4.4). 90009 90024 Methylamine Salts Agar 90025 — Recipe for methylamine salts agar 90009 90024 Methylamine Salts Medium 90025 — Recipe for methylamine salts medium 90009 90024 Modified Chopped Meat Medium 90025 — Used for the growth of several anaerobic bacteria. 90009 90003 MRS media 90004 — Recipe for MRS media. MRS media has been used for the recovery of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from various food products. 90009 90024 MS-Medium 90025 — Recipe for MS-medium.90009 90024 MY medium 90025 — Maltose yeast extract bacterial growth medium. 90005 90016 90003 N 90004 90009 90024 N4 Mineral Medium 90025 — Recipe for the produciton of N4 Mineral Medium. 90009 90024 N-Z amine agar with soluble starch and glucose 90025 — Agar used to grow some Actinomadura species 90009 90003 NADI reagent 90004 — commonly used as a test for indophenol oxidase. 90009 90024 90113 Nitrosomonas europaea 90114 medium 90025 — Recipe for the production of Nitrosomonas europaea medium.90009 90003 Nutrient agar 90004 — Recipe for nutrient agar suitable for growth of many bacterial species. 90009 90003 Nutrient broth 90004 — Recipe for nutrient broth suitable for growth of many bacterial species. 90009 90003 NZCYM 90004 — NZ amine, NaCl, bacto-yeast extract, casamino acids, and magnesium sulfate. 90009 90003 NZM 90004 — NZ amine, NaCl, and magnesium sulfate. 90009 90003 NZYM 90004 — NZ amine, NaCl, bacto-yeast extract, and magnesium sulfate. 90005 90016 90024 O 90025 90009 90024 Oatmeal agar 90025 — agar used to grow some Actinomadura species.90009 90024 Oenococcus Medium 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of Oenococcus medium. 90009 90024 Osmophilic Agar 90025 — Recipe for Osmophilic Agar. 90009 90024 Osmophilic Medium 90025 — Recipe for Osmophilic Medium. 90005 90016 90003 P 90004 90009 90003 Pancreatic juice 90004 — useful if you need to know the half-life of a drug product in pancreatic juice. 90009 90003 Papanicolaou’s stain 90004 — used commonly for cancer screeing and smear preparations of various bodily secretions.90009 90003 Paraformaldehyde (2%) 90004 — Recipe for 2% Paraformaldehyde. 90009 90003 PBS (1X) 90004 — Phosphate buffered saline (1X) 90009 90003 PBS (10X) 90004 — Phosphate buffered saline (10X) 90009 90003 PBST 90004 (1X) — Phosphate buffer saline tween-20. 90009 90003 Phenol red lactose broth 90004 — turns yellow when lactose is fermented. 90009 90024 Potato-Carrot Medium 90025 — agar used to grow some Actinoplanes species. 90009 90024 Propionibacterium Agar Recipe 90025 — Agar appropriate for the growth of Propionibacterium.90009 90024 Propionibacterium Medium Recipe 90025 — Medium appropriate for the growth of Propionibacterium. 90009 90024 PYS agar 90025 — agar used to grow some Actinomadura species. 90005 90016 90003 R 90004 90009 90024 R Medium 90025 — R Medium Recipe. 90009 90003 Red blood cell (RBC) lysis buffer 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of red blood cell (RBC) lysis buffer. 90009 90024 Rolled Oats Mineral Agar 90025 — Recipe for Rolled Oats Mineral Agar. 90005 90016 90003 S 90004 90009 90024 Saccharose agar 90025 — Recipe for the production of saccharose agar 90009 90024 Saccharose medium 90025 — Recipe for the production of saccharose medium 90009 90003 Schiff’s reagent 90004 — structures rich in polysaccharides, mucopolysaccharides, or glycolipids are the principal tissues stained with Schiff’s reagent after acid degreadation.90009 90003 SOB media 90004 — Tryptone / yeast extract bacterial media. 90009 90003 SOC media 90004 — Tryptone / yeast extract bacterial media. 90009 90024 5% Sorbitol agar 90025 — Recipe for the production of 5% sorbitol agar. 90009 90024 5% Sorbitol medium 90025 — Recipe for the production of 5% sorbitol medium. 90009 90024 Sour Dough Medium 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of sour dough medium. 90009 90003 SSC (20X) 90004 — Sodium chloride and sodium citrate. 90009 90003 SSPE (20X) 90004 — NaCl, Nah3PO4-h3O, and EDTA 90009 90024 Starch — Mineral Salt (STMS) Agar 90025 — Recipe for starch — mineral salt (STMS) agar.90009 90003 STET 90004 — Sucrose, triton x-100, EDTA, and sodium Azide. 90009 90024 Styrene Mineral Salts Medium 90025 — Recipe for Styrene Mineral Salts Medium. 90009 90003 Synthetic sea water 90004 — Recipe for synthetic sea water. Used as a base for growth media for an assortment of marine bacteria. 90005 90016 90003 T 90004 90009 90003 TAE (50X) 90004 — Tris, acetic acid, and EDTA. 90009 90003 TBE (10X) 90004 — Tris, boric acid, and EDTA. 90009 90003 TBS (1X) 90004 — Tris buffered saline.90009 90003 TBST 90004 — Tris buffered saline with tween-20. 90009 90003 TE (1X) — 90004 Tris and EDTA. 90009 90003 Terrific broth 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of terrific broth bacterial media. 90009 90003 TES 90004 — Tris, EDTA, and sodium chloride. 90009 90003 TGB (5X) 90004 — Tris glycine buffer (5X). 90009 90024 Thermus Agar 90025 — Recipe for agar appropriate for the growth of Therums genus 90009 90024 Thermus Medium 90025 — Recipe for media appropriate for the growth of Therums genus 90009 90024 Thiobacillus Medium F2 90025 — Recipe for the production of Thiobacillus medium F2 90009 90003 TNE (1X) 90004 — Tris and NaEDTA.90009 90024 Tomato Juice Agar 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of tomato juice agar. 90009 90024 Tomato Juice Medium 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of tomato juice medium. 90009 90024 Tomato Juice Yeast Extract Agar 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of tomato juice yeast extract agar. 90009 90024 Tomato Juice Yeast Extract Medium 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of tomato juice yeast extract medium. 90009 90003 TPE 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of Tris-phosphate-EDTA. 90009 90003 Trypan blue 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of trypan blue.90009 90003 TSY agar 90004 — Trypticase soy yeast agar Recipe. 90009 90003 TSY broth 90004 — Trypticase soy yeast broth Recipe. 90009 90003 TTE (1X) 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of 1X TTE buffer. 90009 90024 TYG Medium 90025 — Tryptone, yeast, glucose bacterial growth medium. 90009 90024 TYX Medium 90025 — Tryptone, yeast, xylose bacterial growth medium. 90005 90016 90024 U 90025 90009 90024 Urea Medium 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of urea medium 90009 90024 Uric Acid Medium 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of uric acid medium 90005 90016 90003 W 90004 90009 90003 Western transfer buffer 90004 — Recipe for the preparation of Western transfer buffer.90009 90024 Whey Agar 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of whey agar. 90009 90024 Whey Medium 90025 — Recipe for the preparation of whey medium. 90009 90024 Wickerham Salt Agar 90025 — Recipe for Wickerham Salt Agar. 90009 90024 Wickerham Salt Medium 90025 — Recipe for Wickerham Salt Medium. 90009 90024 Wolfe’s Mineral Solution 90025 — Mineral supplement used in many bacterial medium recipes. 90009 90024 Wolfe’s Vitamin Solution 90025 — Vitamin supplement used in many bacterial medium recipes.90005 90016 90003 X 90004 90009 90003 X-gal staining solution 90004 — Solution that can be used for staining x-gal containing tissues. 90005 90016 90003 Y 90004 90009 90024 Yeast Extract Glucose Medium 90025 — Yeast Extract Glucose Medium Recipe. 90009 90024 YEL Agar 90025 — Recipe for YEL Agar. 90009 90024 YMF agar recipe 90025 — Recipe for preparation of YMF agar. 90009 90024 YMF medium recipe 90025 — Recipe for preparation of YMF medium. 90009 90003 YMG agar 90004 — Recipe for yeast and malt extract with glucose agar.This agar is used for a number of 90186 Streptomyces 90189 species. 90009 90003 YMG broth 90004 — Recipe for yeast and malt extract with glucose media. This media is used for a number of 90186 Streptomyces 90189 species. 90009 90003 YPD Agar — 90004 Yeast extract / peptone / dextrose bacterial agar. 90009 90003 YPD Media — 90004 Yeast extract / peptone / dextrose bacterial media. 90009 90003 YPG Media 90004 — Yeast extract / peptone / galactose bacterial media. 90009 90024 YPM Agar 90025 — Recipe for YPM agar.90009 90024 YPM Medium 90025 — Recipe for YPM medium. 90009 90003 YT Media (2x) 90004 — Yeast extract / tryptone bacterial media. 90005 90016 90024 Z 90025 90009 90024 Zenker’s Fixative 90025 — Nuclear fixative also used as a mordant in some staining procedures. 90005 .90000 90001 Over 300 Quick and Easy Recipes 90002 90003 90004 Foods to include (any): 90004 None Almonds Apple Apricot Asparagus Avocado Banana Barley Basil Beef Beet Greens Beets Bell Peppers Black Beans Black Pepper Blueberries Bok Choy Broccoli Brown Rice Brussels Sprouts Buckwheat Cabbage Cantaloupe Carrots Cashews Cauliflower Celery Cheese Chicken Chili Peppers Cilantro Cinnamon Cloves Cod Collard Greens Corn Cow’s milk Cranberries Cucumber Cumin Dill Dried Peas Eggplant Eggs Fennel Figs Flaxseeds Garbanzo Beans Garlic Ginger Grapefruit Grapes Green Beans Green Peas Kale Kidney Beans Kiwifruit Lamb Leeks Lemons and Limes Lentils Lima Beans Millet Miso Mushrooms, Crimini Mushrooms, Shiitake Mustard Greens Mustard Seeds Navy Beans Oats Olive Oil Olives Onions Oranges Oregano Papaya Parsley Peanuts Pear Peppermint Pineapple Pinto Beans Plum Potatoes Pumpkin Seeds Quinoa Raisins Raspberries Romaine Lettuce Rosemary Rye Sage Salmon Sardines Scallops Sea Vegetables Sesame Seeds Shrimp Soy Sauce Soybeans Spinach Strawberries Summer Squash Sunflower Seeds Sweet Potato Swiss Chard Tempeh Thyme Tofu Tomatoes Tuna Turkey Turmeric Turnip Greens Walnuts Watermelon Wheat Winter Squash Yogurt 90006 90003 90004 Foods to exclude (all): 90004 None Almonds Apple Apricot Asparagus Avocado Banana Barley Basil Beef Beet Greens Beets Bell Peppers Black Beans Black Pepper Blueberries Bok Choy Broccoli Brown Rice Brussels Sprouts Buckwheat Cabbage Cantaloupe Carrots Cashews Cauliflower Celery Cheese Chicken Chili Peppers Cilantro Cinnamon Cloves Cod Collard Greens Corn Cow’s milk Cranberries Cucumber Cumin Dill Dried Peas Eggplant Eggs Fennel Figs Flaxseeds Garbanzo Beans Garlic Ginger Grapefruit Grapes Green Beans Green Peas Kale Kidney Beans Kiwifruit Lamb Leeks Lemons and Limes Lentils Lima Beans Millet Miso Mushrooms, Crimini Mushrooms, Shiitake Mustard Greens Mustard Seeds Navy Beans Oats Olive Oil Olives Onions Oranges Oregano Papaya Parsley Peanuts Pear Peppermint Pineapple Pinto Beans Plum Potatoes Pumpkin Seeds Quinoa Raisins Raspberries Romaine Lettuce Rosemary Rye Sage Salmon Sardines Scallops Sea Vegetables Sesame Seeds Shrimp Soy Sauce Soybeans Spinach Strawberries Summer Squash Sunflower Seeds Sweet Potato Swiss Chard Tempeh Thyme Tofu Tomatoes Tuna Turkey Turmeric Turnip Greens Walnuts Watermelon Wheat Winter Squash Yogurt 90006 90003 Nutrients to require (one): 90004 None biotin calcium choline chromium copper dietary fiber folate iodine iron magnesium manganese molybdenum omega 3 fatty acids phosphorus potassium protein selenium sodium vitamin A vitamin B1 (thiamin) vitamin B12 (cobalamine) vitamin B2 (riboflavin) vitamin B3 (niacin) vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) vitamin C vitamin D vitamin E vitamin K zinc 90006 90014.

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